Pemmi-Con Publishes Souvenir Book

Pemmi-Con, the 2023 North American Science Fiction Convention, released a digital copy of their program book with an announcement to their members on January 1, 2024:

Dear Pemmi-Con member:

We are pleased to give you a digital copy of your Pemmi-Con Souvenir Book.

We equally are disappointed, Pemmi-Con having paid all of its bills and having re-paid money loaned to Pemmi-Con by Committee members, that Pemmi-Con lacks the money to print and to mail a copy of the Souvenir Book to every Pemmi-Con member who requested a printed version.

The digital Souvenir Book will be the sole version of the Souvenir Book.

We hope you find much of interest inside its many pages.

You may download it by following this link:

Click to access Pemmi-Con-SB_digital.pdf

Your Co-Chairs, Linda & Robbie